We believe that it is of primary importance that believers worship together so we gather together weekly to sing, learn and respond to what God is doing in, through, and around us. These Worship Gatherings happen every Sunday at 9:30 am.
We believe that every believer must dedicate his or herself to the following spiritual disciplines in order to be a growing and thriving follower of Jesus Christ
1. Prayer: We need daily connection with God through prayer. It is when we pray that we share with God our worries, our need and our praise.
2. Bible Study: We need daily connection with God though His Word, The Bible. In the Bible we find out what God says about us, himself and the world we live in. If we are going to grow in our faith we need to, daily, spend time in God’s Word. To get started reading the Bible feel free to use this Bible reading plan:

Central Kids
Central Kids is the children’s ministry of Central Baptist Church in Americus, GA. Central Kids ministries are designed for children from birth to 5th grade. Central Kids offers opportunities for children to grow in the knowledge of and passion for Jesus Christ.
- We want to grow with families. We believe that the home is the front line of children’s ministry. So, we seek to come alongside families by helping them take the next step in their spiritual journey. We want to equip you with every resource possible for teaching your kids about God.
- We want to connect kids to Jesus. We believe that children, just like adults, need Jesus’ saving love. So, we seek to relate Biblical truth about Jesus to the world where your kids live. We do this through creative and age-appropriate teaching that shows Jesus to your child in a way that he or she can both enjoy and understand.
Ways to Get Involved

Gospel Project
Sunday's @ 11:00am
Every three years, we update The Gospel Project for Kids with dynamic content and reimagined art. While the studies change, the true heartbeat never does—the chronological retelling of God’s big story from Genesis to Revelation. The full benefit of The Gospel Project is realized when kids see Jesus in every story not just one time, but again and again.

June 9-13, 2025
Connect Camps 2025 is coming to Central this Sunday. Join us this year for an exciting week of fun, challenges and learning about our Savior, Jesus Christ!
To Apply for a Camp Scholarship, please click here.
Go to our dedicated Connect Camps page to register and to sign up to volunteer.

awana meets Each Wednesday
evening from
6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM.
About Awana
The term “AWANA” stands for Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed and comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 which says, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (NIV)
The purpose of the Awana ministry is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. The Awana ministry at Central Baptist works in unison with the other ministries at Central Baptist to help your child learn about Jesus and to grow in Him.
Through the AWANA ministry, it is our desire to help your child grow spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. We believe that children are a vital part of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. We wish to encourage your child to draw closer to the Lord through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, scripture memorization, and Godly relationships with other people. We desire to help kids realize that having a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ is the most exciting and important thing any of us can ever have.
Join us for AWANA each Wednesday evening beginning at 6:00 pm and ending at 7:30 pm.
Parents will check in their children at the check-in area near the elementary classrooms. Nursery will be available for babies through age 1. Puggles are for children aged 2 years old. Cubbies are preschoolers ages 3-4 years old. Sparks are Kindergarten through 2nd grade and T&T are 3rd – 5th grade.
There will be volunteers at the check in stations to assist you. When you pick up your child at the end of the evening, go back to the same location you dropped them off.
Learn more about Awana by visiting the Awana Homepage here.
Download the Awana Parent Handbook here.
First Time Guest?
Check out the information below to learn a little bit more of “What To Expect” as our guest. Select one of the age groups below to find out more information.
If you plan on being a guest of ours, please go ahead and fill out the form below to have your family’s information entered into our electronic database for our Children’s Check-In System.

Preschool Ministry
Join us for Puggles and Cubbies (AWANA) each Wednesday evening beginning at 6:00 pm. Puggles is for Nursery – 2 years old. Cubbies is for our preschoolers ages 3-4 years old.
Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
What: Vacation Bible School 2025: Magnified!
Where: Central Baptist Church – Americus
When: June 9th-13th, 8:30am-12pm (checkin begins at 8:15am)
Who: Kids age 3-5, must be potty trained, must be 3 years old by Sept 1, 2025
Please call the church office at (229)924-4092 with any questions.
Central Students
We desire to equip parents and students to be disciples of Jesus Christ who connect to God through His word, connect to other in gospel community and connect to the world through living on mission.
Student Small Groups
Students have an opportunity each Sunday to build community by connecting to others through small groups. These small groups meet each Sunday at 11 am following the worship service. Students begin by gathering in the youth room for announcements and then break off into their small group classrooms.
Current small groups include 6th grade coed, 7/8th grade young ladies, 7/8th grade young men, 9/10th grade coed, and 11/12th grade coed. Join us this Sunday and get connected!
Student Worship
Every Wednesday night during the school year Students 6-12th grade gather for Student Worship upstairs in the youth area. Doors open at 6 and Worship begins at 6:30. After hangtime in the youth room or game room from 6-6:30, worship begins with announcements, game time, music from the Student Worship Band, and a message from our Student Pastor. Join us for Student Worship this Wednesday!

June 2-6
Cost: $369 per student ($100 deposit due at registration)
Registration Deadline April 23rd
We are excited to be traveling to Lee University for Student Life Camp this year! Student Life Camp is a Christ-centered camp for 6th-12th graders. It includes engaging worship from experienced worship leaders, learning through sound biblical teaching and Bible study, community in Life Groups, and fun in recreation! It’s a week of focused learning, heartfelt praise, games, dramas, community building, teamwork, and most importantly, God’s Word on center stage.
Student Leadership University

JULY 7-10, 2025
Shape your students’ future through the ultimate experience at SLU 101! Your students will begin their leadership journey by understanding that Leadership Begins at the Feet of Jesus. From behind the scenes at SeaWorld to world-class speakers in exclusive learning environments, SLU 101 teaches your students the practical, relational, and life skills to change the way they think, dream, and lead!

Building on the foundation of personal leadership learned at SLU 101, SLU 201 will put you in the heart of our Washington, D.C. and equip you to lead as a citizen and catalyst for change. Experience the Nation’s Capital in a way most never will. Tour the monuments by twilight, walk the hall of Congress, learn from national leaders and witness the legacy of the Founding Fathers as you discover your own role in society’s future.

Pricing Varies
Inherit the Past. Shape the Future. At SLU 301, the leadership journey continues deeper into history as students traverse Europe, learning to think bigger about the world. As students experience the sacrifices made in the past and consider the worldviews of great philosophers who have paved the way, they learn that leaders are called to shape history and leave a legacy for Jesus that is larger than themselves.
Central College
Sunday Nights at Central is the college ministry of Central Baptist Church. Our college ministry is an intentional effort to take our church’s mission to college campuses in the Americus/Sumter area.
We have three primary goals:
- To reach students with the gospel,
- To build them up in the local church, and
- To send them into the world.
We accomplish this primarily through weekly small groups, discipleship, and integrating our students into the life of Central Baptist Church.
Get connected on Sunday nights beginning September 8th. Join us for a meal, Bible study, and game time! Please join the GroupMe for updates! We can be found under Sundays at Central

Central Men's Ministry
5 on 5
Open to men of all ages, 5 on 5 meets each Wednesday evening at 6 pm in the fellowship hall. Join us for prayer, study, encouragement and exploring what it means to be a man of God according to the Bible. 5 on 5 will resume in August!
Sunday Morning Groups
Sunday morning groups especially for men are as follows:
- Alfred Dupree Class for men 60 and over meets at 8:30 am on Sundays in Room B108
- Fishers of Men Class for men of all ages meets at 11:00 am on Sundays in Room B108
If you have any questions, please contact us by calling the church office at 229-924-4092 or by completing this online form below:
Central Women's Ministry
The Central Baptist Women’s Ministry strives to offer support to women in every season of life. See the following list of available opportunities. Please contact the church office if you have any questions, or contact us below!

Lydia Small Group
- Ages 60-80
- Sunday 8:30 AM
- Room B107
Sisters in Christ Small Group
- Ages 40-65
- Sunday 11 AM
- Room B106
Survivors Small Group
- All Ages
- Sunday 11 AM
- Room B107
Precepts for Ladies
- Precepts for Ladies of all ages meet each Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall from 10am – Noon
- All ages
- Bible Study
- Meet each Wednesday at 6pm in Room A102.
First Place for Health
- All Ages
- A Faith Based Healthy Lifestyle Bible Study
Meets each Tuesday at 6pm in the Conference Room
Women on Mission
- All Ages
- Meet the 2nd Monday of each month in individual homes.
- WOM is an arm of Georgia Baptist Women. Our local group is called “PAWS” praying and walking sisters. We exist to spread the gospel through various mission projects.
Never Alone Widows
- The Widows Ministry meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:30-Noon in the Fellowship Hall.
- Widows of all ages are welcome. For more information, please contact Robin Hardin at 229-938-3026 or
For More Information
For more information on any of these groups, call the church office at 229-924-4092 or

55+ Monthly Luncheon
On the 3rd Thursday at 12 PM of each month we get together to fellowship and enjoy a meal together. Please join us and bring you favorite side dish or dessert!
Silvertones is the Senior Adult Choir Ministry of Central Baptist Church. Silvertones perform at various venues around Americus! Please feel free to join us or call the church office for more information at 229-924-4092!
Silvertones performance schedule >>>>>>>
Each performance begins at 10:00 am.

55+ Fall Trip
The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum
$75 due upon signing, $735 double occupancy, $964 single occupancy, $715 Triple Occupancy
Final Payment is due July 15, 2025.
We will be departing Americus at 8:00 am on Monday, September 22nd and returning on Saturday, September 27, 2025
Motorcoach Transportation -video and restroom equipped
6 days and 5 nights including 3 consecutive nights in the Cincinnati area
8 meals: 5 breakfasts and 3 dinners
Admission to the Stunning Ark Encounter!
Visit to the National Museum of the United States Air Force
Admission to the Famous Creation Museum
and much more

Diamond Tours offers and exclusive Travel Confident Protection Plan. This is offered under a separate payment. We will provide the necessary information if you wish to purchase travel insurance.
Motorcoach Driver Gratuity is included in the price.

Join us for a variety of recreation activities such as basketball, pickleball, and many others!

Join us on Mondays from 7pm – 9pm for Open Gym where we will enjoy a lively game of Pickleball! Pickleball is a fast-paced sport that has many similarities to tennis, badminton, and table tennis (Ping-Pong). It is played on a level court with short-handled paddles and a perforated hollow plastic ball that is volleyed over a low net. Come join the fun!
Join us for a fun night of basketball and fellowship!
Open Tuesdays from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm